[Sept. 2023] On March 24, one of my longest running boards, which I spent the most time on and which had 1000+ pins and 1700+ followers, was deleted without explanation. This completely demotivated me. I wrote politely to the site's support and, after two reminders, they invited me on April 7 to wait until they knew more. After four more reminders, I received a new reply on June 16, which didn't answer my questions... So I sent them back, and after eleven(!) reminders, one a week, I finally got an answer to half my questions on Sept. 18. So I sent back the remaining ones, plus a new one since I have 1400 pins (~ a third of my total) that disappeared overnight, and I'll send a reminder again every week if necessary... With all these losses, I don't feel like feeding my boards for now. :(