I still can't believe this happened!

Similar to our experiences in St Kitts..Local man, masseuse on beach but indicated to wife he also could come to our room for a more "private" massage. We were both for it, so he came to room, I gave him $100, turned the video on without him knowing it, and he not only gave her a nice massage but had aggressive sex with her for about 30 minutes. She gave him a condom after he had been inside her.
Went back the next year, same exact experience..he loved white women , she loves black men.
Similar to our experiences in St Kitts..Local man, masseuse on beach but indicated to wife he also could come to our room for a more "private" massage. We were both for it, so he came to room, I gave him $100, turned the video on without him knowing it, and he not only gave her a nice massage but had aggressive sex with her for about 30 minutes. She gave him a condom after he had been inside her.
Went back the next year, same exact experience..he loved white women , she loves black men.
To be honest, while visiting the spa at the hotel, we were hoping to get a similar offer, but none of the massage therapists even hinted at the possibility of "special" services. That 's why I was completely relaxed when we visited Omar salon . I was sure that my wife 's chastity was completely safe ! I did not take into account the special erotic mood of my beloved . And apparently what I didn 't notice that evening in Marina 's eyes , the owner of the salon read unmistakably ! I paid for my naivety and carelessness ...


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To be honest, while visiting the spa at the hotel, we were hoping to get a similar offer, but none of the massage therapists even hinted at the possibility of "special" services. That 's why I was completely relaxed when we visited Omar salon . I was sure that my wife 's chastity was completely safe ! I did not take into account the special erotic mood of my beloved . And apparently what I didn 't notice that evening in Marina 's eyes , the owner of the salon read unmistakably ! I paid for my naivety and carelessness ...
Yes, my wifes eyes give it away also...She also hooked up with a security guard at the resort we stayed at. Had two fun nights with him.
Similar to our experiences in St Kitts..Local man, masseuse on beach but indicated to wife he also could come to our room for a more "private" massage. We were both for it, so he came to room, I gave him $100, turned the video on without him knowing it, and he not only gave her a nice massage but had aggressive sex with her for about 30 minutes. She gave him a condom after he had been inside her.
Went back the next year, same exact experience..he loved white women , she loves black men.
White wives need their pussies massaged on vacation.
Similar to our experiences in St Kitts..Local man, masseuse on beach but indicated to wife he also could come to our room for a more "private" massage. We were both for it, so he came to room, I gave him $100, turned the video on without him knowing it, and he not only gave her a nice massage but had aggressive sex with her for about 30 minutes. She gave him a condom after he had been inside her.
Went back the next year, same exact experience..he loved white women , she loves black men.
"She gave him a condom after he had been inside her." ...
I think she should have given this condom to you. So the situation would become even more piquant .
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I want to tell you how we went to Sharm El Sheikh .

Everything happened quite spontaneously .

My wife Marina has been saying since the summer that she doesn't want to celebrate her 52nd birthday at home in Israel .

She didn't want to invite anyone and arrange any gatherings with relatives or friends .

You know that unlike men , women , especially beautiful ones , try to hide their age and worry about every new wrinkle . And it doesn't matter that her husband admires her beauty every day .

She knows that “she's not a girl anymore" !

Therefore, in recent years, Ira and I have been telling everyone that we are going abroad

to celebrate her "Angel Day" there, alone with each other.

Until the last moment, we didn't know where we were going.

We wanted to go where it 's warm in early March .

So , in the end ,we decided to spend our short vacation in Egypt , in Sharm .

We have three days from March 5 to March 7

Just six hours by car and we 're there ! We arrived at one o 'clock in the afternoon .

We left our things in the room and still had time for lunch . Then we took a nap for a couple of hours and went out into the city in the evening .

The hotel was chosen because of its close location to the Old Town. Literally three minutes on foot and we are in the whirlpool of the Arab bazaar !

Oriental music , incense scents , smiling and annoying merchants and touts speaking all languages, even a good-natured camel with the Russian name Sasha ! We were fascinated by this atmosphere ! All worries disappeared and we wandered aimlessly through the narrow streets with happy faces until midnight . The mood was fabulous , I wanted to stay here forever !

The next day we spent on the beach , then lunch , afternoon nap and we go to the Old Town . Now we begin to look more carefully at the colorful shops and souvenir shops .

We approach an already familiar Bedouin with his camel .

He persuades my Marina to take a ride on Sasha .

A couple of compliments and Marina agrees !

But how to climb a high the ship of the desert?!

Even lying down , the camel seems gigantic !

The owner of the camel takes a step back and asks his wife to come to him .

I hold her hand, lead her to Sasha, and then the Bedouin takes one of Marina's legs, inserts it into the stirrup and now with two hands he lifts my wife.

At this moment , I notice how dexterous Bedouin hands manage to touch , no sorry, to grab the soft ass of my beauty !

Everything happened so quickly , in an instant Marina was in the saddle .

Then there was a great photos and a lot of pleasure from the soft gait of the huge , kind Sasha !

And of course Sasha 's owner tried very hard, lowering Marina to the ground , to grab her ass again !

She, in gratitude, hugged him tightly, kissed him on the cheek and we continued our walk.

I asked if she regretted that we in Egypt now?

Marina just kissed me ! I haven 't seen her so happy in a long time !

But it turned out that we still had no idea about the real pleasure that awaited us.

We had been walking for a couple of hours and approaching a small restaurant, Marina said she wanted to try local delicacies.

We were already at the entrance when suddenly a young, tall Arab runs out of a nearby shop and addresses us in Russian :

” Good evening, Dear ones! My name is Omar, I sell medicinal oils and do therapeutic massage!

Please, Dear ones, look inside!”

We smile and say we're hungry.

“ Oh ! Of course I 'll wait for you here , with your permission !”

”This Omar is very gallant! “ - Marina whispers to me and we promise him to come back after dinner .

We ordered huge shrimp and at the table I mimicked Marina: ”This Omar is very gallant!…

Maybe - He was very handsome ?” She smiled shyly and began to look at the dessert menu.

I was very surprised when I saw Omar smiling at the entrance to the restaurant !

An hour and a half has passed since our meeting with him !

“Were you waiting for us?! That long?” - Marina almost apologized ...

the young Arab smiled politely and pointed to the entrance to his shop with his hand .

It was more like a massage parlor from the inside. On the right there was a solid professional table , and on the left there was antique upholstered furniture around a coffee table .

We sat down on the couch , and Omar in a large armchair opposite us .

“You are a very beautiful couple !” - he began .

“Please tell us what is bothering you. Maybe there is pain in the shoulders or lower back ?”

- his Russian was pretty good .

I said I was suffering from back pain . But first of all, I asked him to take care of my wife's feet, since she is a nurse and spends the whole working day on her feet.

Omar nodded understandingly and a second later he was at Marina's feet , took off her sandals and said he knew how to help her , but first he would like to rub my back with medicinal oil with snake venom .

He asked me to take off my shirt and lie down on the table . My face was placed in a hole through which I could look at the patterns of the Arab carpet on the floor .

The master quickly rubbed my back and lower back with warm oil with strong hands and covered me with a towel .

“Now you need to lie down for half an hour without moving so that the oil is absorbed.

In the meantime, I'll take care of your beautiful wife. Ok? ”

It seemed to me that the last phrase sounded somehow strange ...

I heard that Marina got up and went to the back of the room . Omar asked her to take off her blouse , sit on a soft high chair with her back to him and put her arms around the back . Then only light slaps were heard .

Marina was moaning softly . And I began to slowly fall asleep .

Suddenly I woke up from the fact that Marina screamed and immediately fell silent . Then there were slaps and Omar , in his low voice , said :” Everything was fine , everything was fine …” Again I heard my wife 's soft moans . Sometimes it seemed that she was crying .

Our doctor was breathing heavily , I liked the fact that he was trying so hard and doing a real massage . Rhythmic sounds and more sobs , and more moans .

The smells of menthol and rose oil, incense and sandalwood, twilight and quiet Arabic music.... I fell asleep again.

“Dear Sir , we are done with your wife . You can go up”

It seemed to me that I had been asleep for twenty minutes. Getting up , I found that the pain in my back had completely disappeared !

The owner of the establishment did not deceive us ! Seeing Marina's very pleased face ,

I didn't ask how she was feeling .But It was obvious ! She to feeling so good !

She just said she wanted to get back to the hotel as soon as possible and take a shower .

We quickly paid off with Omar and went outside .

Exactly five minutes later we entered our room in hotel.

Instead of running to wash off the oil, Marina threw me on the bed and sat on my face ....


I couldn't believe that all this was happening to me! There has not been such a wild passion in our sex for many years ! Her pussy was very wet and I licked and drank her juices !

Marina finished very quickly and fell on her side ! And I lifted her leg and again fell to her swollen pussy ! I didn't know if she was asleep or not .I didn't care ! I just pulled down my pants and attacked her !

The pussy was very hot, wet and , as it seemed to me , too relaxed !

She must be very tired if she almost sleeps during sex with me !

I didn't know what really happened yet .

She tell me everything just to the next day .

At breakfast, Marina asked me how I like last night?

I, of course, began to say how I liked everyone so much ! Especially when she came on my face !

Then she kissed me on the cheek and asked me how I liked the taste of her pussy yesterday?...

My eyes widened, my heart stopped and I stuttered and asked : “Is that what I think?!!!”

Marina kissed me again and said that dreams are beginning to come true ...

Quietly added :”You'll find out the details in the evening...”

I almost went crazy ! Wait until the evening?! “I want an explanation now! I growled softly !

And at the same moment I felt her hand on my penis !

“Oooh , who 's so happy here ? What a noble boner!”

In the evening we went to the old town again . We left at six .

Marina said that we would go shopping , and by eight o'clock we need to go to the oil shop .

Then she showed me the note : ” 20:00 ! “

“This is a subscription for another massage session! “- she whispered.

But she clarified that this time there will be a massage just for her ! Will be a deep massage!

A shiver ran through me!

Until now, I've been telling myself that this is all just her game, and she just wants to tease me.

But as soon as we arrived at the appointed hour to the place , I saw Omar run up to my wife and, ignoring me, hugged her and kissed her three times on the cheeks.

So, embracing, they entered the store and I followed them with a silly smile on my face.

When we entered, she whispered something to Omar and came up to me.

She was very beautiful at the moment when she asked : “Do you love me? Do you really love me? ”

I nodded silently .

Omar came up to me and said that I would see better if I sat in a chair .

I obeyed and sank down on a soft leather pillow. My heart was pounding ..

Omar asked Marina to take off her clothes .

I watched as she undid the buttons, looking straight into my eyes.

Now she, left only in her underwear,…she looked at Omar , the young Arab just nodded and she began to unbutton her bra . She took off everything and threw it into my hands .

I heard "Please madam" and my wife lay down on her stomach facing me.

A slight smile and her gentle look calmed me down .

Now I thought that massage is always done this way.

Omar came up to me and took off his robe and gave it to me .

He was left in thin translucent silk trousers !

"Are you comfortable, sir?" And without listening to the answer , Omar turned around

és odament hozzá

He poured oil on her and smeared it on her back, then smeared her legs and thighs, especially a lot of oil was poured on her ass. And when his hands slipped between her buns,

Marina stretched languidly and closed her eyes.

A szívem hevesen dobogott!

Láttam, ahogy az arab kezei a combjai közé csúsznak!

Láttam, hogy többször végighúzta a kezét a punciján, mintha jobban be akarná kenni, felmelegíteni az ajkait.

Aztán megkérte Marinát, hogy forduljon meg, és bekente előtte! A melle és a hasa, aztán a szemérem és megint a puncija, és megint a melle!

Pontosabban a mellbimbóit! A hüvelykujját megszorította és kissé felemelte.

Megdermedtem, amikor láttam, hogy felemelkedik a keze, és elkezdett mancsolni a fenekében! Mármint mancsot!

Omar hozzám fordult, és azt mondta, hogy nagyon jó feleségem van.

E szavak után megragadta Marinát, és leültette.

Lábai szétnyíltak, és a férfi megállt előtte a térdei között.

Nem bírtam ki, és felhívtam a feleségemet: "Marina! Minden rendben?!"

Kinézett a háta mögül és azt mondta , hogy szeret , aztán láttam , ahogy a kezei elkezdték lassan lehúzni a selyemnadrágot a jóképű fiatalemberről !

Igen most én is gyönyörködtem a szépségében !

Remegtem az izgalomtól! Rájöttem , hogy tegnap megbaszott , hogy megettem a spermáját , hogy most szopja a farkát és boldogabb vagyok , mint valaha !

Aztán felemelte, megpörgette és előretolta a vállát... Marina a falnak dőlt a kezével és széttárta a lábát!

Aztán meghallottam a hangját... nem értettem azonnal...

Megkér, hogy jöjjek le és üljek le alulról, azt mondta, hogy figyeljem, ahogy a farka belép belé!

Általában csendben van az ágyban! De itt úgy áll, mint egy kurva, arab fasszal a puncijában, és nem hagyta abba, hogy megkért, hogy nézzem meg!

Azt mondta, milyen jól érzi magát! Azt mondta, hogy szeretne lenni ennek az arab szajhája, és hogy újra lenyalnám a cumiját a puncijáról!

Először Omar háta mögé térdeltem, de ő a hajamnál fogva húzott le magához. Megértettem és alulról felkúsztam , most nagyon jól láttam mindent !

Marina elkezdett cukizni, amikor elkezdtem megérinteni a csiklóját, megpróbáltam még jobban kinyitni a punciját, és a kezemmel akartam elvenni a golyóit!

Féltem, hogy nem engedi megérinteni, de amikor láttam, hogy nem ellenáll, bátran fogtam a fenekét és finoman masszíroztam a golyóit!

Marinám kétszer ért célba, majd azt vettem észre, hogy a hímünk fokozza a tempót.

Elkezdett cum , bele a puncijába , amilyen mélyre csak tudott !

Majdnem elestek! Marina megint felsikoltott , kihúzta a farkát és több nagy csepp hullott a mellkasomra és az arcomra !

Marina lába remegett, lenézett és az arcomra ült egy vizes és vörös puncival!

"Nyalj meg! Idd meg az egészet!…” Eszembe jutott a tegnapi íz!

Nem tudom, hogy mentünk, hogyan jöttünk a szállodába, de a szobában Marina ismét a mellkasomra ült, és megkérdezte, hogy ezt akarom-e?!

Azt mondtam, hogy szeretem, és nem akarok holnap reggel elutazni Izraelbe.

Felállt és eltakarta az arcomat a duzzadt puncijával

Nem tudom, ki hiszi el nekem, ha egy nap el akarok mesélni erről a kalandról. Még mindig nem hiszem el magam .

Múlt héten megkérdeztem a feleségemet, hogy lesz-e ismétlés?

Azt mondta nekem: "Igen, de csak El Sheikhben!..."
Szia! Köszönjük szépen, hogy megosztottad velünk ezt a történetet. Nagyon izgalmas volt olvasni. Tökéletes. Feleségemmel Sharm El Sheikhbe kell utaznunk. 🙂

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