MacDaddyDiesel @Cloggie Ooomph well I am a tit man so this will be a bit embarrassing if I get this wrong… Hmmm…. 34 C?
Cloggie's easily removed;-) but if you want to see them wild and free, check out my other posts X
Cloggie @whoozooming..tu veux dire ma couleur de peau ou la couleur de mon soutien-gorge ? ;-)
Cloggie @Wifewontdothat...mmm...the thought of that making my nipples hard already ;-)
Cloggie definitely could do with a refresher course, but I guess you haven't been out for a while so you're forgiven ;-) I'm a 32D X
MacDaddyDiesel @Cloggie Yep definitely blew it there… Always best to go over in these type of scenarios… Either way, they are scrumptious and that is a great size X
Sexy very sexy!! Can’t wait to take all of them off of you!
Very nice! What size are they?
Alright those are all HOT!!!!!!
@Wifewontdothat...thank you..will you catch them for me with your nice warm hands? ;-)
@MacDaddyDiesel..would you like to guess? ;-) very happy to hear my taste of bra's are being appreciated ;-)
@Cloggie. Maroon Tres Jolie. ;-)x
Yes ma’am and suck those perfect nipples
@Cloggie Ooomph well I am a tit man so this will be a bit embarrassing if I get this wrong… Hmmm…. 34 C?'s easily removed;-) but if you want to see them wild and free, check out my other posts X
@whoozooming..tu veux dire ma couleur de peau ou la couleur de mon soutien-gorge ? ;-)
@Wifewontdothat...mmm...the thought of that making my nipples hard already ;-) definitely could do with a refresher course, but I guess you haven't been out for a while so you're forgiven ;-) I'm a 32D X
@Cloggie Yep definitely blew it there… Always best to go over in these type of scenarios… Either way, they are scrumptious and that is a great size X
@Cloggie Votre soutien-gorge ;-)
@Cloggie Sumptuous 32D profile ;-)x
@RoyTijgertje ...een hele opluchting ;-)