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What do you prefer?

  1. Big swingin' naturals

  2. A healthy c cup

  3. Small pointies

  4. Lifeless hemispheres (fake)

  5. Doesn't matter as long as they're attached to someone who's cool

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. TeamRamRod

    TeamRamRod Porno Junky

    Sep 28, 2022
    I was out Saturday night with the gf. We were walking downtown and a group of ladies overheard me use the term 'fuckablilty levels'. They were very drunk and one woman insisted that she has a high fuckability level, her friend suggested that her fake tits were getting to her head. The first gal instantly lifted her shirt to flash... everyone around.

    Of course we were excited to see some titties, but their lack of jiggle really killed it. They were well done, nice small nipples and all but me and the gf agreed that it was a total let down. On the walk to the car/drive home we both agreed that saggy/small tits are much more preferable even if not ideal. In fact plastic surgery in general from nose-jobs to fake butts just turns cute girls into weird looking Kardashiites.

    So what're your thoughts: do you mind, are you into it, have you gotten work done or do you prefer nature's best?
    • Like Like x 1
    1. BlaqBytch062259
      Titties like mine work reel gud. Eva man luvs em an eva woman hates em
      BlaqBytch062259, May 9, 2023
  2. Stupid_blonde

    Stupid_blonde Sex Machine

    Oct 22, 2019
    i wonder what the guys have to say... i mean if you have small tits and want really big ones, you kinda must go for balloon tits ... they will probably never really swing around like naturals. but imo its still better to get big fake ones than just keep you small ones.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    Getting implants so guys will “like” you is a wasted effort.
    They don’t like you, they like your boobs.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. CheddarGoblin
      Save the money! All a lady needs to do to get a guy to like her boobs is show them off :laugh:.
      CheddarGoblin, Apr 11, 2023
    2. speakeasy
      True. A guy who'd give his left nut to see Dolly Parton topless has jerked off to Kiera Knightley's boobs.
      speakeasy, Apr 12, 2023
  4. At00micAsh

    At00micAsh nautically naughty

    Feb 25, 2019
    it's really weird taking a top off and finding they are just there. hanging in space.
    I've been with a few women with implants. they still have nipple sensation. the well done ones anyway.
    but there's no squish factor. not Like @Cherrypop 's beautiful bra busters
    • Like Like x 3
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    1. sealfan
      I agree. Miss @Cherrypop has pretty much the perfect breasts. Well that and everything else too
      sealfan, Apr 12, 2023
      Cherrypop likes this.
    2. Cherrypop
      You’re giving me a big head lol. Thank you ☺️
      Cherrypop, Apr 12, 2023
    3. sealfan
      Well you give me a ‘big head’ too lol
      sealfan, Apr 12, 2023
    4. At00micAsh
      Face it Cherry. you're a Milf
      At00micAsh, Apr 12, 2023
  5. SexAdventures2020

    SexAdventures2020 Sex Lover

    Jul 31, 2020
    My (soon to be ex) wife has fake tits we bought 3/4 years ago. Doc did a great job. Still not as jiggly as real boobs but definitely not rock hard. Think they were called gummy bear implants. Didn’t go crazy big but made a big difference… she wanted some more physical self confidence. I don’t have a problem with fake ones.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. CheddarGoblin

    CheddarGoblin Porno Junky

    Apr 19, 2022
    If I can tell they're fake, I don't like them. I'm sure there are some well done ones that look ok, but my preference is natural. Large natural ones are fantastic, but smaller ones are fine too. Now, I don't know much about fat transplant breast augmentation, but that seems like a win for a little extra size (they don't go huge).
    • Like Like x 1
  7. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    I don't think it would be worth having major surgery just to get them made bigger. There are men that like all types and sizes. And if a guy would reject me because of boob size, he doesn't deserve to have me anyway.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Winner Winner x 4
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    1. Lowflyer1
      Honestly who on earth would reject you....for any reason.
      Your boobs are absolutely fantastic by the way!
      Lowflyer1, Apr 12, 2023
    2. At00micAsh
      when I left High school. I was worried I was going to need a reduction.. Turns out Surfing as often as I can and doing crunches dropped me to a Solid C instead if a DD/E
      At00micAsh, Apr 12, 2023
      silverfox17511 and deegenerate like this.
    3. speakeasy
      I didn't really have anything worth noting until my 3rd growth spurt (chest wise) in my early twenties.
      Found out early that once you take your top off, guys don't really care one way or another.
      speakeasy, May 9, 2023
      deegenerate and Wonderingeyes like this.
    4. Horny hiy
      So true.
      Horny hiy, May 9, 2023
      deegenerate and speakeasy like this.
  8. By-tor2112overture

    By-tor2112overture Porn Star

    Jul 30, 2021
    I personally prefer big natural juggs, but couldn't ever see myself saying no to any privileged opportunity to explore a woman's body.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. silverfox17511
      A man would be stupid to reject you gorgeous!! ;)
      silverfox17511, Apr 13, 2023
  9. luv2be.evil420

    luv2be.evil420 Mighty Evil One

    Jul 17, 2020
    I don't prefer one over the other, all shapes and sizes are welcome here...though, I have attracted women with bigger tits. Fitting for my big hands :D
  10. David58

    David58 Porn Star

    Apr 17, 2009
    Just keep what you are born with
  11. mxzer

    mxzer Sex Lover

    Dec 24, 2019
    i have always enjoyed nat tits best whether theyre small or huge. that said i have never been with a woman with them. have felt a cpl fake sets and they just were too firm for my liking. that said if theyre not over the top big and shes a nice person im good with it
  12. Blank2u

    Blank2u Porn Star

    Sep 14, 2022
    Some people are not always happy with the bodies they were naturally given.
    I know a woman who had them reduced because they were painful.
    Men try to make their cock bigger because they think it is necessary.
    Is the change for beauty? or is the change for bait?
  13. j_rod247

    j_rod247 Sex Lover

    Nov 25, 2013
    @Stupid_blonde - I’m curious as to yours? Do you have big naturals or did you buy some big ‘ol titties? Either way I’m sure you look spectacular, I’m just curious ;)
  14. LadyTanya

    LadyTanya Sexy Tease

    Oct 21, 2020
    I prefer boobs, any kind. ( * ) ( * )
    • Friendly Friendly x 4
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    1. CFH3ll
      :boobs3:will these work
      CFH3ll, Apr 12, 2023
      LadyTanya and NiteWalker like this.
    2. NiteWalker
      And your are beautiful! I like yours!;)
      NiteWalker, Apr 12, 2023
      LadyTanya and CFH3ll like this.
  15. flybinite

    flybinite Porn Star

    Aug 20, 2020
    There’s a difference between enhancing them , which is important for some gals self esteem,
    And just stupid overkill , going from a A cup to and DD or F cup !!
  16. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    All tits are welcomed.
  17. Sarah L. Q.

    Sarah L. Q. Porn Star

    Sep 12, 2018
    I don't have a big bust, but I prefer my boobs as they are to enhancement
    • Like Like x 2
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    1. Thumper44
      Would love to see your tits
      Thumper44, Apr 12, 2023
  18. valkyrie

    valkyrie Porn Star

    May 27, 2006
    I prefer big natural boobs!! I love the way they hang down to my face when she’s on top! The bigger and jigglier, the better!!
  19. BiTexdad

    BiTexdad Sex Machine

    Jun 22, 2020
    I am a boob guy for sure. Love them all. Big and saggy to small and pointy. But my wife has some of the best fake tits I’ve ever seen. It’s true I do miss the natural bounce of real tits. But they are very fun to play with and show off! As long as they are done appropriately fake ones can be fun. Bonus is she got them done before we got together so I didn’t even have to pay for them!
    5E72F3E0-8D9E-43F8-8332-3858CC42E630.jpeg 0EBA42D4-2CF7-476A-BFC9-E0F456222BA6.jpeg
    • Agree Agree x 1
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    1. KinkyGuy1999
      They are gorgeous, fake or not!
      KinkyGuy1999, Apr 16, 2023