Model India Love, that someone knows on clip Lil Yachty, someone on romantic stories with Game and Drake, or simply on its instagram on three and a half million subscribers, starters to read rap. Helps it in this, acting as a producer-he also participated in the debut video for the song “Loco”.
Despite the impressive number of subscribers of India Love, the clip has modest performance on views, and the number of videos in which people shoot their reaction to the song (negative, of course), is growing and growing. I remember the experience of Amber Rose: in 2012 she released two tracks (terrible).
Some facts about India Love. She is 22 years old. She is also known as India Westbrook. Rihanna and Drake broke up because Drake went to India Love. Fame girl brought reality show The Westbrooks, in which she starred with her sisters. Beauty dated rapper Soulja Boy and boxer J’leon Love, but married while he was not.
Tattoos on the hands of India Love are very similar to the drawings that filled Rihanna. Drake clearly likes one type of girls. Model loves dogs. She has two adorable puppy, she is always ready to share their photos with followers. India Love regularly goes in for sports to keep itself in perfect shape. Look how cool the model’s figure is!
India Love did not stop at tattoos, she also pierced her nose and pierced her nipples.
India Love is constantly experimenting with image. She was a blonde, a brunette, was doing cornrows and even dyed her hair blue and red.
In 2017 and 2018 India Love was leaked several personal photos in which she poses Nude.

India Love Nude