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  1. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    Is there a celebrity the rest of the world seems to think is hot, but you just can’t understand the appeal?

    For me, it’s Miley Cyrus.
    Other than her apparent comfort being photographed naked, I don’t get why people (guys) think she’s hot.

    Who’s yours?
    No wrong answers. Everyone’s taste is different.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  2. Volt_4

    Volt_4 ~Tansi ~

    Mar 28, 2020
    Julie Roberts, I never thought she was remotely as pretty as the hype behind her let on.
    • Agree Agree x 9
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    1. nhbimwm
      I never thought she was either
      nhbimwm, Dec 21, 2024
      Volt_4 likes this.
    2. Niksen
      You beat me to it! My first thought when I saw the question.
      Niksen, Dec 22, 2024
    3. geileklodders
      I don't think her pretty at all.
      geileklodders, Dec 22, 2024
      Volt_4 likes this.
  3. nhbimwm

    nhbimwm Porn Star

    Oct 28, 2013
    Any of the Kardashians!
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. speakeasy
      I thought the youngest one, who might be a Jenner for all I know, was very pretty. Then she started the enhancements
      speakeasy, Dec 21, 2024
      Volt_4 likes this.
    3. speakeasy
      A coworker of mine has two distinctly different sizes.
      She couldn’t buy bras, bathing suits or most formal dresses because they aren’t made for “lopsided” women.
      She had surgery to even them out.
      There are reasons I would consider going under the knife for, but being aesthetically pleasing to others isn’t one of them.
      speakeasy, Dec 22, 2024
      Torturedsoul63, ItsCali and Volt_4 like this.
  4. Poppab

    Poppab Sex Lover

    Jun 29, 2023
    I’ve always liked Liv. But it’s mostly miss for me personally for Ms Diaz. Idk
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. speakeasy
      You’ve got to concede, that’s not the best photo of her.
      speakeasy, Dec 21, 2024
  5. Notty3826

    Notty3826 Porn Star

    Sep 20, 2020
    Taylor Swift. I just dont see her very sexy.
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    2. speakeasy
      Sexy isn’t just about how you look in a bikini.
      I think a lot of people find self made people to be sexy. Confidence (as opposed to arrogance) is sexy. Artist creativity is sexy
      Physically, I agree she’s not society’s idea of hot, but she’s no slouch.
      I’m sure Travis has had his share of waaaaay hotter chicks, but found those relationships to be shallow and unfulfilling.
      George Clooney went through dozens of hotties before he met a woman who challenged him intellectually. That’s the one he married.

      Your experiences may vary. There are no wrong answers in opinion polls.
      speakeasy, Dec 22, 2024
      Volt_4 likes this.
  6. DadDoesPorn4U

    DadDoesPorn4U Porn Star

    Oct 19, 2024
    Brittany Spears at any time. Like I get the backup dancer bro shacking up with her to either be a kept man or further his career. Then again my celebrity adolescent crushes were Claire Danes and Janeane Garofalo so I dunno.
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  7. HardingC

    HardingC Sex Lover

    Dec 17, 2024
    Totally hot for the knife dancing , smeared makeup , dancing Britany OMG!
    • Like Like x 2
  8. WantSumCandyLittleGirl

    WantSumCandyLittleGirl Candyman

    Apr 25, 2010
    Brittany Speers
    Lindsay Lohan
    Paris Hilton
    Any of the Kardashians
    Pamela Anderson
    Nicki Minaj
    Barbie Benton (that goes waayyyy back)
    Anna Nicole Smith (God rest her soul)
    • Like Like x 2
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    1. HardingC
      Add katy perry and you got the list
      HardingC, Dec 22, 2024
      Volt_4 likes this.
    2. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      There are many more I could add, but…
      HardingC likes this.
    3. HardingC
      HardingC, Dec 22, 2024
    4. Resserd
      I would put Nicki Minaj at the to of that list. But I think Brittany is hot
      Resserd, Dec 22, 2024
      stan123 and Volt_4 like this.
    5. speakeasy
      I think Lindsay was hot before her “lifestyle” took its toll.
      I think Beyoncé is fine as hell.
      Barbie Benton’s degree of hotness reflects the era in which she came into the spotlight.. she was the look of the late 60’s/early 70’s.
      Anna Nicole came to fame as the Guess Jeans girl. Just about time women were getting tired of the Kate Moss “heroine chic” look. They saw her plus size hips in jeans and thought “Hey! She looks like me!”

      Opinions may vary. There are no wrong answers
      speakeasy, Dec 22, 2024
  9. texan365

    texan365 Sex Machine

    Mar 20, 2012
    I think in her early career, in The Mask, she was stunning, then it appears she had some work done, then some more and now she ruined the loss she had
    • Like Like x 2
  10. shaded alicia

    shaded alicia Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2013
    Liam Nieson
    Colin Farrell (spelling?) Although his foundation is amazing
    Sports guys.. like football players basketball players...
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  11. Carolina couple

    Carolina couple Porno Junky

    Nov 20, 2023
    Angelina Jolie. I know a lot of people find her hot. I just don’t for some reason.
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    1. DadDoesPorn4U
      Anyone really that's too skinny. Something about someone with pronounced skeletal features is so fucking weird. I've known people who actively prefer that look. Like what's the appeal as opposed to someone simply hwp? Cheap dinner date? Decreased transportation weight giving way to increased fuel efficiency?
      DadDoesPorn4U, Dec 22, 2024
  12. Resserd

    Resserd Porn Star

    Sep 26, 2021
    My nephew always had a thing for Drew Barrymore but I never saw the appeal.
    • Like Like x 4
    1. speakeasy
      I’ve never really thought she was hot in a Hollywood sense, but she had her cute phase.
      speakeasy, Dec 22, 2024
      stan123, atx2 and Resserd like this.
  13. Resserd

    Resserd Porn Star

    Sep 26, 2021
    Oh yeah, Tori Spelling. Even the rest of the world never got excited with her!
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  14. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    There are a couple of actors who look like they never perform personal hygiene.
    A few who come to mind are Johnny Depp, Leonardo DeCaprio and Kid Rock.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. submissively speaking
      Agreed, Charlie Hunnam always looks like he needs to bathe.
      speakeasy likes this.
  15. atx2

    atx2 Porn Star

    Nov 6, 2015
    Selena Gomez. I mean she's not bad looking and I'm sure she's a lovely person but I could never see her as fantasy material the way some guys seem to.
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    1. speakeasy
      Sometimes I see a picture of her and all I see is some cute Disney kid and other times she’s stunning.
      That doesn’t mean “Hot” though.
      I can see why someone might think she’s hot though.
      speakeasy, Dec 22, 2024
      stan123 likes this.
  16. TommyGspot

    TommyGspot Porn Star

    Mar 17, 2018
    Karcrashians or NJ housetrashers
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  17. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    From the neck up, is Sydney Sweeney really as hot as all the press would have us believe.
    She’s one of those people who are less attractive when they smile.
    Still, really cute, but not hot.

    • wtf wtf x 1
    1. DadDoesPorn4U
      Christ, that gum creep. I wonder if she's one of those people that have, what I've heard people call fish lip (I'm sure there's a clinical name for it). It's where when the facial muscles are relaxed the top lip curls up a bit much exposing the top row of teeth. Maybe that's why her smile has too much gum.
      DadDoesPorn4U, Dec 22, 2024
      speakeasy likes this.
  18. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    Matthew McConaughey: Someone please explain the appeal to me.
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    1. DadDoesPorn4U
      Looks, I think it's because he styles himself with a blue collar appeal, people see him as attainable
      I can't think of anything he's been in I haven't liked or at least found him entertaining
      As a person, I knew a lady when I was living in Austin who worked UT games as a side gig. She once was assigned as an usher for the sky boxes. She escorted McConaughey and his guests to their box and he had a genuine conversation with her, i.e. asked how she was doing and she only jokingly mentioned something she was stressed about (bc, duh, "how are you?" is just a politeness and not an authentic inquiry) he had a conversation with her gave her some advice, and treated her like a person. He's probably an actual down to earth person who cares about people and treats them how he'd like to be treated. People like that, celebrity or not, tend to draw people to them bc it's authentic and signals that a person like that is trustworthy, doesn't trigger our aversion to threats.
      DadDoesPorn4U, Dec 22, 2024
    2. submissively speaking
      Besides, he rocks the shirtless look real well. ;)

      But I think this is right, he seems relatively real and doesn’t hesitate to laugh at himself.
      speakeasy and DadDoesPorn4U like this.
  19. piggies

    piggies Sex Machine

    Jan 26, 2015
    I’ve never understood the appeal of Kate Moss.
    A lot of hype, then & now.
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    1. lottapicklejuss
      She says you ain’t all that either I’ve heard.
      lottapicklejuss, Dec 23, 2024
      piggies likes this.
    2. lottapicklejuss
      She’s a rock n rollla
      lottapicklejuss, Dec 23, 2024